Computing at St John's

Computing is taught as a discrete subject with links made to other subjects where appropriate.

Our curriculum for Computing ensures that computing knowledge is built upon progressively each year.

E-safety concepts are woven throughout each topic.

As a school we use 'Teach Computing' as a scheme to support our computing teaching, please see below a link for this and our computing curriculum overview for more information.

We have a fantastic dedicated ICT suite where classes can learn specific IT skills or use the computers to link with other subjects.  We also have a number of laptops, chromebooks and iPads which are used in class.

Internet Safety Day

Every year we take part in Safer Internet Day - this year’s theme was ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.  Our Digital Leaders worked incredibly hard to organise various activities for every class to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology.
They also ran a Diary Room everyday, which has been a great opportunity for students to be recorded discussing experiences that they have had on their favourite games.  On Tuesday, there was also an assembly where children had to vote on whether a selection of messages were okay or not okay to send.