On 1st December 2018, the school transferred to the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership. It retains a Local Governing Body.
St John's Register of Interest can be found at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e4n1jvfkcE3_VaHcyArrGb19mYXMSuOeKyW2vm7bVEg/edit#gid=1393737299
Full details can be found at: https://www.midsomernortonschoolspartnership.com/governance/governance-and-accountability.htm
The Governing Body meets a minimum of six times per academic year (once per term).
Governors have specific areas of responsibility and these include Health & Safety, SEN, Pupil Premium, Safeguarding and Subject areas. Governors work closely with the Headteacher, the Senior Leadership Team, Subject Leaders and the Finance Manager.
Responsibilities of the Governing Body include the monitoring and review of financial management, property, personnel issues, the review of academic progress and the School Improvement Plan and curriculum issues.
Contacting the Governors:
Correspondence to the Governing Body should be marked for the attention of the Clerk to the Governing Body, c/o The School Office, or e-mailed to: clerk@stjohnsmsn.co.uk